Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yes, I can spell potatoe

At the Market yesterday, the fruit and vegetables were bountiful, the colors were beautiful, and the signs were entertaining.  Luckily, I had my iPhone.


  1. Wow, love that orange cone flower. The potatoes look gorgeous, nothing better than a boiled new potato with butter! Thanks for sharing. xox Corrine

  2. Beautiful photos and such great signs. The tomato one is my particular favorite!

    Have a happy Sunday.

  3. Beautiful photos. These will be especially comforting to look at in the depths of winter!

    Love the signs as well ;-)

  4. fabulous colors, love your journal, too. That poor little bird with no feathers! ;(

  5. :) Maybe it takes a while for the green peppers to turn yellow?

  6. Great photos - I have always thought fruit and vegetables made for lovely photos - I have taken them too at Farmer's Markets and have incorporated them into some digital collage work. What fun these are!

  7. I love the signs and what a joy it is looking at these beautiful photos and what they represent!
