Friday, February 26, 2010

February Journal

With all the bad weather, I've not been able to go to the studio so I've been using the free time to work on my drawing and watercoloring skills with my nature journal.  My bird feeders were quite active with birds and squirrels, the latter amusing me with acrobatics they performed in stretching to reach the feeders.  As I was watching the Olympics while sketching, I got in the spirit and awarded my squirrel a gold medal for his acrobatic achievement.
A few warm days last weekend brought out the buds on the hellebores.  They have such beautiful flowers, it's a shame that they have a tendency to bend downward so that it's difficult to see them.  I suppose this is a survival feature, however, and is useful today when the snow started burying them under again.  Sigh....


  1. Bravo to your squirrel for its Olympic medal! As it's the winter games, I assume the acrobatics were performed on skis?

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I loved the Lisa Kaus class, as well as all the others. It was a well-run event with lots of inspiration.
