Monday, May 10, 2010

April Journal

I don't know what happened to the month of April.  I know I spent more time looking at all the wonders of nature than I did trying to sketch and paint them.  Maybe my sketching will improve to the point that I can do it en plein air someday and will get my nature journal chock full of wonderful renderings.  That's the dream, anyway. 

So here's the common sights of April at my house:  dandelions and violets, blooming trees, and birds taking baths in the top of a recycling container on my deck.  I'm looking for a nice birdbath with a fountain that will bring the birds around all summer.

Did you ever notice how many shades of green there are?  If you paint with watercolors, I'm sure you are way ahead of me.


  1. I just love your journal pages! This one is especially lovely. I like all the shades of green and that bird taking a bath is very cute!

  2. What a lovely fresh and cheerful We have had lots of violets in the lawn this year ....and dandelions:-(

  3. I love your journal page with all of the swatches of green along the sides .... this is definitely the "green" season

  4. Totally lovely, I agree with Linda.Keep up the good work!
    Thank you for your visit, btw.
