Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bored with Hellebores?

At the risk of being boring, I must post photos of my white Hellebore plant that is now in full bloom.  This plant is just amazing.  I tried to count the number of blooms and got confused around number 20.  There must be 50 or more blooms on this one plant! 


If you don't have any Hellebores and are interested in finding out more, you can check out this place that specializes in hybridizing Hellebores. .  Believe it or not,  even though this nursery is in West Virginia, these plants can be grown anywhere, including sunny California, Maine, Pacific Northwest, and Florida, according to the King of the Hellebores.

Isn't this gorgeous?


  1. Hi Joyce! Thanks for visiting my blog. I miss our DJPettitt "chats" :-) Glad you liked my apron. You should see my MESSY apron - haha.


  2. You are wonderful to comment on my blog! Nice to know that my glasses are 'dope'. Sounds like a Randy Jackson thing - ha!


  3. that looks exactly like one of ours .... nope not bored yet :)

  4. Thats a lovely photo Joyce. I looked at the link...there are some beauties in the basket on the front page!

  5. Couldn't be bored by hellbores!If I was a little nearer I'd ask if you could share some with me! They don't seem to do well with me but I'll keep trying :)

  6. Hi, Joyce. I don't know how to email you, so I comment here :-) Thanks for your comments. I love it that I see your words on my blog :-) Thanks much for your support!

